SmileCould This Be Your Story?For most of his life, Bernie G. loved to be among people, enjoying the energy of a crowd. But whenRead More +
Dentist-Patient RelationshipHow Is Your Dentist-Patient Relationship?Do you have unpleasant memories of your childhood dental visits or even recent dental visits? Over the years the dentist-patientRead More +
Oral HealthHow Do I Choose a Toothbrush?We’re going to be adding a new series of videos to our website, Facebook and other pages. We just addedRead More +
Dental CareWhy Is My Mouth so Dry?Have you ever used any of these words to describe your mouth; cotton mouth, dry mouth, parched, or even “asRead More +
Dental HealthWhat Can You Expect at Your Visit?What’s a visit to Dr. Sheldon Sullivan’s office like? Jennifer gives you a tour.Read More +
Dental AisleNavigating All the Choices in the Dental Aisle.Are all the choices in the dental aisle at the store overwhelming you? Margo will help you make the rightRead More +